Cycling Home from Sanya in Support of Education
Starting in July 2014 I began riding my bike home from Sanya, China back to Canada. Around the world by bicycle. Cycling home from China. Over the next few years I will be raising funds for Free the Children's Adopt-A-Village program, with a focus on education. As I circumnavigate the globe, I hope to help build schools and visit the communities I am working with in Rural China, India, Kenya, Ecuador and Nicaragua. To share with my supporters the impact of their donations. To lend a hand and hear their story.
It is $10,000.00 dollars to build a schoolhouse or classroom, with Free the Children. Already we have had a drastic impact in these communities. We began our work with helping build a school in Guang Ming, China. Currently, there are three other schoolhouses under construction. One in Verdara, India, another in Esinoni, Kenya and the fourth schoolhouse just underway in Shuid, Ecuador.
Upon visiting the community of Verdara, I was able to see firsthand the need and appreciation for education in the lives of the children. It was an amazing experience. Bringing Me to We. Now a third schoolhouse in Esinoni, Kenya is under construction as well thanks to another group of amazing supporters. My visit to the Mara region of Kenya can never be forgotten. The kids, their smiles and the great change happening here. We are now working towards a fourth schoolhouse in Shuid, Ecuador. I was able to visit the schoolhouse on my bicycle and help dig the beginning stages of the new foundation. Yet another incredible experience.
As a teacher I know that in the lives of young people access to reliable education comes first. Together let's make someone's dream of a better future a reality. Working with Free the Children we can choose when and where the money raised on my event page is needed most. After you donate a tax receipt will be automatically sent to your e-mail. Thank you in advance to all of my supporters for their kind donations that will give people the means to live sustainable, full and happy lives! Follow the adventure at www.oneadventureplease.com
Amount Raised:
Fundraising Goal:
My Event Details
When: Feb 22, 2014 4:35 AM
Location: China
PostCode: K0G1L0
For more information about our event, please call or email us.