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Cycling Home from Sanya in Support of Education

Starting in July 2014 I began riding my bike home from Sanya, China back to Canada. Around the world by bicycle. Cycling home from China. Over the next few years I will be raising funds for Free the Children's Adopt-A-Village program, with a focus on education. As I circumnavigate the globe, I hope to help build schools and visit the communities I am working with in Rural China, India, Kenya, Ecuador and Nicaragua. To share with my supporters the impact of their donations. To lend a hand and hear their story. It is $10,000.00 dollars to build a schoolhouse or classroom, with Free the Children. Already we have had a drastic impact in these communities. We began our work with helping build a school in Guang Ming, China. Currently, there are three other schoolhouses under construction. One in Verdara, India, another in Esinoni, Kenya and the fourth schoolhouse just underway in Shuid, Ecuador. Upon visiting the community of Verdara, I was able to see firsthand the need and appreciation for education in the lives of the children. It was an amazing experience. Bringing Me to We. Now a third schoolhouse in Esinoni, Kenya is under construction as well thanks to another group of amazing supporters. My visit to the Mara region of Kenya can never be forgotten. The kids, their smiles and the great change happening here. We are now working towards a fourth schoolhouse in Shuid, Ecuador. I was able to visit the schoolhouse on my bicycle and help dig the beginning stages of the new foundation. Yet another incredible experience. As a teacher I know that in the lives of young people access to reliable education comes first. Together let's make someone's dream of a better future a reality. Working with Free the Children we can choose when and where the money raised on my event page is needed most. After you donate a tax receipt will be automatically sent to your e-mail. Thank you in advance to all of my supporters for their kind donations that will give people the means to live sustainable, full and happy lives! Follow the adventure at www.oneadventureplease.com

Name: Mark Quattrocchi
Amount Raised: $50,149.65
Fundraising Goal: $50,000.00

My Event Details
When: Feb 22, 2014 4:35 AM
Location: China
PostCode: K0G1L0


Goal: $50,000
Raised: $50,150
Sponsors: 308
100% of goal achieved

My Donors

Holy Trinity Catholic High School, Cornwall  

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School  

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School, Brockville  

Holy Cross Catholic School (Kemptville)  

Holy Name of Mary Catholic School  

Marina Quattrocchi 


Linda Geoffrion 

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic School (Lanark)  

St. Joseph Catholic School, Toledo  

St. Josephs Catholic School  

St. Francis de Sales Catholic School, Smiths Falls  

St. Joseph Catholic School (Toldeo)  

St. Joseph Catholic School (Toldeo)  

St. Joseph Catholic School, Toledo  

St. Francis de Sales Catholic School  

Holy Name of Mary Catholic School  

) St. Edward Catholic School, Westport  

Kathrin Ohle/twig energy inc.  

Sacred Heart Catholic School, Cornwall  

St. John Elementary School  

St. John Catholic High School  

Eleanor Glenn 

St. Joseph Catholic School (Toldeo)  

St. John Elementary School  

St. Gregory Catholic School  

McGlade and Spinelli Families  

Marshall Hogan 

St. Peter Catholic School  

Ian Matheson 

Caroline Quattrocchi 

Frank, Diane and Alex Kidd 

Kim McDonald 

Victor Attard 

Caroline Quattrocch 

Tom and Colleen Buchanan  

Pantry Shelf Food Corp.  

BeautiControl Consultants of Ottawa Region  

Mary Pizzo 

W.A. Robinson Asset Management  

Tom and Colleen Buchanan 

St. Mary Catholic School  


Mark and Angela Rutherford 

Fran Quattrocchi 

Oasis Pool & Garden Centres  

Mary Buchanan In Recognition of 30,000 kms 

Eleanor Glenn 

J.L. Jordan Catholic School  

Joan Merriam 

Roderick McNeil 

Queen Elizabeth School  

Ian Matheson 

Marina Quattrocchi 

rohit bhardwaj 

St. Luke Catholic High School  

Yiying Jiang 

Yoga In the Garden Class with Marina Quattrocchi  

The students in Ms. Hope's Class at Helen Wilson  

Matt Rutherford 

Luke Quattrocchi 

Beth McNally 

Sven Pretzlaff  

Laurie McNally 

Violeta Looker 

Jerry Smith 

Susan Thomas 

James Alves 

Marina Quattrocchi 

Jim and Patricia Meagher 

St Finnan's Catholic School  

Sandra and George Holmes 

Sharon Cobb 

Linda Geoffrion 

Roderick McNeil 

Christian Brasso 

John & Angela Quattrocchi 

Marina Quattrocchi 

Cameron Wallis 

Mary LaMantia 

I prefer to be anonymous  

Joe & Carol Quattrocchi 

Joan Dombrady 

Mary-Anne Ginty 

Edith Devlin 

Josh Fitzgerald 

Marina Quattrocchi 

Barbara Mahon 

Luke Quattrocchi 

Charles Murphy 

Alison and Laurie Ducette 

Michelle Bryden 

Jadwiga Lemoyne 

Christine Good 

Bev La Mantia  

Tara Schweighardt 

Lynn and Michael Crosbie 

Alex Kidd 

Anne Nielsen 

Edith Devlin 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Susan Thomas 

Mary Briggs Family 

Lori Bryden 

Roderick McNeil 

Mary Buchanan In Memory of Jean Quattrocchi 

Mark Summers 

Annette Quattrocchi 

Lynn Hope 

Stephen McGlade 

Marg DesRoche 

Tyler Fitzgerald  

Jean LaMantia and Kathrin Ohle 

Jim Douglas 

Gail Campbell and Family 

Kevin Bauer 

Gail Campbell 

Roger & Eileen Duchene 

Pam Lange 

Jazz Josland 

Joseph Trick 

Joan and Jess Crosbie 

Bradley Trick 

Nicole Murphy 

Shirley Kargakos 

Laurie and Greg McNally 

Patty Garven 

Des and Judy McKenna 

Marina Quattrocchi 

Cheryl Smith 

Bob and Sue Bauer 

AJ & Mary Quattrocchi  

Robert Tellier 

Lois Yamamoto 

Joanne & Jim Murphy 

Shirley Kargakos 

Edith Devlin 

Joy Elodie Couttenier 

Anne & Dave Austin 

Edith Devlin 

Barbara Purdy 

Jennifer Motino 

Marg DesRoche In Memory of Jamie Quattrocchi 

Braden Le Souder 

Elizabeth Rymal 

Frank Quattrocchi 

Susan Trusiani 

Nancy and Bob Fitzgerald 

Donna Healey 

Curtis & Sarah Kerfoot 

Marina Quattrocchi in Memory of Jean Quattrocchi 

Rick Anderson 

Lesley Joy 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Elizabeth Hajduk 

Catherine Giff 

James and Joan Finn 

Christine and Bill St. Jean 

John Miller 


Chris and Doug Good 

Brent Webley 

Kimberley Smith 

Jill Silverson 

Brenda Dubé 

Dale Brusselers 

Debbie Dixon 

Peony Wang 

Rideau Centennial Elementary  

Steven Riding 

Brenda Dubé 

Raymonde Mason 

Travis Freeland 

Carole Evely 

Melinda Ferrara 

Jill Kershaw 

Ally Lowe 

Mary Zintel 

Dawn Macwaters 

Dan & Sandy Fournier 

Raymonde Mason 

Lianne King 

Ya Li 

Eddie and Gladys Wright 

james vargeson 

Jacinthe Beyea 

Nick Pankiw 

David Lutes 

Jeanette Hamilton 

Betty Fowlie 

Dorothy Edwards 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

I prefer to remain anonymous 

Marie Amyot 

Pat and Barb McGlade 

David Lupes 

Huguette Hanrahan 

Sean Christy 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Earla Blair 

Elyse Andrews 

Joe & Carol Quattrocchi 

Mohammed Rishal 

Margaret Partridge 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Edith Devlin 

Susan Peladeau 

Corry Goddard 

Alice & Jeff Liu 

Vince and Dorothy Quattrocchi 

Cathy Giff 

Albert and Teresa Tryon 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Joanne and Scott Jibb 

Margie Ann McKinnon 

Wendy and Haylee Nezan 

Ross Taylor 

Joe Quattrocchi 

Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario  

Mary Buchanan 

Brenda Dubé 

Chris Good 

Augustus & Mary Quattrocchi 

Luke Quattrocchi 

Jennifer Gillingham 

Jacqui Bowick-Sandor 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Bill & Judy Brady 

Melanie Beath 

Benny and Julia James 

Eleanor Glenn 

I prefer to remain anonymous 

Donnalyn Murphy 

Chandan Kumar 

Helenice Romeiro 

Office staff of J.Quattrocchi Ltd.  

Mark Quattrocchi 

Duncan & Oliver King 

Joe and Carol Quattrocchi 

Jessica Buchanan 

Anita Garvin 

St. James Major School, Sharbot Lake  

Doug and Chris Good 

Pat and Peter Spinelli 

Marina Quattrocchi 

Mike Bakhoun 

Vince and Dorothy Quattrocchi  

Jo-Anne James 

Shelley Paul 

Donna and Bill Gemmill 

Nora & Vern McDonald 

Jean Quattrocchi 

Gail McAdam 

Arne Stricker 

Janice Ley 

Barb and Pat Mcglade 

Brent and Sue Bygrove 

Sonny and Christine McMillan 

Jean Quattrocchi 

john merriam 

Violeta Looker 

Brian Cliffen 

Stephanie and Charlie Spinelli 

St. John's Catholic Women's League  

Murray and Anna Shane 

Dianne and Leslie White 

Emma Feng 

Rick & Shawnna Williams 

Marina Quattrocchi 

Christine and Joe Love 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Rachel Caulfield 

In Memory of Adrian (Ed) Sanders 

Georgette Cameron 

Barbara Mcglade 

Jo-Anne James 

Fran Quattrocchi 

Patrick Love 

Zhargal & Olena Batomunkuev 

Susan Bygrove 

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Marina Quattrocchi 

Chris Ducette 

Li Zi Mo 

Cai Xiuhuan & Zheng Peigui  

Mary Cook 

Julia Schall 

Sandra and Tom Crosbie 

Tammy Edwards 

Mary Buchanan 

CWL-St. Francis de Sales/Blessed Sacrament Church  

I'd prefer to remain anonymous 

Albert and Teresa Tryon 

Emily Bouvier 

Mark Quattrocchi 

Eleanor Glenn 

Cathy McDonald 

Sally Chen 

Allyson MacKenzie 

Yu Yan Ping 

Zheng Ji Peng 

Pat and Tom Morell 

Shirley Kindellan 

Linda Collier 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.
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