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Please Sponsor Corey Klassen

Your support is truly appreciated

Corey Klassen
[100 % of goal]
Nov 29, 2008 4:00 PM
24 hour Relay Vancouver Croatian Cultural Centre
My Message
I am participating in the 2008 Yoga4Kidz 24 Hour Marathon Relay benefiting UNICEF’s Unite for Children, Unite against AIDS campaign. I am looking to raise $108 for this great campaign while me and my 8 team mates relayoga in exchange for donations.

I've always had a dream of doing a marathon. You may recall I completed the ScotiaBank 1/2 Marathon in 2007 with a total of +$400 raised for St. Pauls Hospital Foundation. Thank you to all of you who sponsored me, but most of all, St. Paul’s thanks you. Those funds helped purchase much needed equipment that is not covered by our medical system.

My body told me to stop running, and I am so glad that I found yoga to keep me alive, healthy and wealthy. In this world of global warming, a shattered global economy, loss of social housing, declines in healthcare funding, toxins and poisons in our food chain, the first African-American President and our increased consumerism, I believe we can ALL hold back one meal out of about $25 to help kids living with AIDS.

I'll do the yoga if you use that pretty little plastic card - be it blue, green, silver or gold - to give back just a little bit.

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My Donors

Neil Sexsmith 

Leah Stack 

Corey Klassen 

winston hsu 

Will Pratt 

Erin Gerlach 

roberto carlos sousa 

Angie Dilawri 

Bernadette Giet 

Rhyean Hylands 

James Goodman 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.