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Please Sponsor Chantal Attias

Your support is truly appreciated

Chantal Attias
Mar 28, 2009 8:00 PM
Italian Embassy
My Message
With the generous support of friends like you, I raised 15k and won the 2008 Model Washingtonian to benefit the Washington Humane Society last year. Please support me again this year.

In this economy I won't be as ambitious, HOWEVER, Sophie and I want to walk the runway again this year so PLEASE sponsor us by buying a ticket to Fashion for Paws. This event sells out so I suggest buying a ticket ASAP! A donation of at least $75 will admit one regular guest to Fashion for Paws, a donation of at least $150 will admit one guest to the VIP section and to purchase a table for $2,000 please contact Remember this is a tax deductible donation!

On March 28th at the Embassy of Italy I will be modeling in a fashion show called Fashion for Paws® (F4P) to benefit the Washington Humane Society (WHS). In the weeks leading to the event I am participating in a friendly competition with the other models to see who can raise the most money for WHS. The male and female winner will be chosen based on who has raised the most money and will be honored on the runway at Fashion for Paws® and awarded the title "Model Washingtonian of the Year."

Please consider buying an add for the events program book. These costs will also reflect in my goal. Prices are as follows:

Full-Page Ad
$ 2,500
Live area - 5.5 wide x 7 high

Half-Page Ad
$ 1,500
Live area - 5.5 wide x 3.5 high

1/4 Page Ad
$ 750
Live area - 2.75 wide x 3.5 High

Business Card Ad
$ 300
Live area – 1.37 wide x 1.75 High

If mailing a check, please make payable to the Washington Humane Society, and note the name of the model (Chantal Attias) you wish to support on the memo line. Mailing Address:
Washington Humane Society
Attn: Development Office
7319 Georgia Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20012

Here is the link for past media coverage of the event and sponsorships:

My Donors

Jose Garcia 


Mick Pirgmann 

pierre olivier bensahel 


Dimple Shah 

Charlene Rochwite 

Jeremy Sina 

Jaime Bonetti 

Some Donor 

Sandra Barros 

Zoila Forgione 





benjamin cohanzad 

Jossie M. Ali 

Adam Juran 

Beretta USA 


Piroska Domby 


Jason Mandel 


For more information about our event, please call or email us.