Please Sponsor Arron Butler
Your support is truly appreciated
Arron Butler
Jun 21, 2009 9:45 AM
Halifax - Dalhousie University
My Message
If you have a penis, you need to read this. If you love someone who has a penis, you too need to read this.
Prostate cancer is the number one cancer threat to Canadian men. One in every six men will be diagnosed with the disease in his lifetime and this is expected to rise to 1 in 4 within a decade.
In 2008, 24 700 Canadian men were diagnosed with prostate cancer, compared to 22 400 women diagnosed with breast cancer, with similar mortality rates. In contrast, the Government of Canada allocated $183.5 million of taxpayer's dollars for site specific cancer research, with breast cancer receiving 48.4 million vice $16.8 million allocated to prostate cancer research. This doesn't take into account charitable donations and fundraising initiatives. This is unacceptable lads.
The disparity is not solely economic, though. Commercials, public service announcements, news segments and magazine articles address the issue of breast cancer, but rarely touch upon health issues affecting men. Since 1985, October has officially been Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Numerous national organizations work tirelessly to ensure that breast cancer is at the forefront of medical research, and fundraisers such as their annual Race for the Cure, as well as countless other benefits at provincial and local levels, collect millions more in research dollars. Fundraisers and events for prostate cancer are rare, at best. So what can we do to improve this?
This Father's Day - Sunday, June 21, 2009 - I will be taking part in the Safeway Father’s Day Walk/Run for prostate cancer. By taking part in this fun, family event, I am honouring the men in my life, raising awareness of the disease and fundraising for research.
Please support me as I help to eliminate the threat of prostate cancer. My goal is $500, but I want you boys to dig deep, and together let's blow that goal out of the water!!!!!
For more information about our event, please call us at 1-888-255-0333 or email us at events@prostatecancer.ca