Helping Change
the Lives of Children

The Max Keeping Foundation assists financially
disadvantaged children and families to meet
emotional, physical and emergency needs


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Please Sponsor Lynda Fraser

Your support is truly appreciated.

Lynda Fraser
Apr 7, 2013 11:00 AM
19th Annual Max Keeping Foundation Bowlathon
My Message
No child, no youth should be denied the opportunity to participate in sports, recreation or the arts because of financial challenges. The Max Keeping Foundation helps hundreds of kids every year and we call this help Growing Up Great! The research shows those who are active and healthy make better life choices, succeed in school and stay in school longer.

With support from our generous donors, sponsors and a partnership with the Ottawa Senators Foundation, the Max Keeping Foundation was able to assist five hundred children from Ottawa and eastern Ontario in 2012 to access sports, recreation, the arts and post-secondary education – double the number children helped over the same period in 2011.

Funds are paid to the organization that the child wishes to join and to ensure there is no overlap in funding requests, we partner with many of the other agencies involved in helping lift children out of poverty – United Way, Children’s Aid, YM-YWCA, Christie Lake Kids, Ottawa Senators Foundation, and the City of Ottawa.

And it is with great thanks to you for helping us accomplish our mission - leaving no child out of the game because of financial constraints.



My Donors


Lynda Fraser 

Gary McBurney 

My Customers  


Marilyn Scheer 

Brandon Bay 

Amy Fraser 

Jennifer Crozier 

Sock Monkey Mamas  

Christine Belliveau 

Lynn Lafantaisie 

Brian+Rebekah Stanovie 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.