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Please Sponsor Lee Olund

Your support is truly appreciated

Lee Olund
[100 % of goal]
Jun 19, 2011 9:00 AM
Calgary - Eau Claire Market
My Message
My name is Lee, I'm 24 and here's my story.

On march 12 2008 my dad was diagnosed with cancer, over the next 8 months my dad went though several Kimo treatments and ended up passing away on November 12, 2008 as the cancer had spread over his whole body. The last 2-3 months my dad had spent in the hospital 24/7, The last month that my dad was alive he was pretty much kept in a comma state as the pain had reached such high levels that they had taken his pain meds to the highest that they could to keep him comfortable.

It has been very tough over the past 2.5 years not having my dad around, as he was always there for me and my family. it is because of my dad's ever lasting love that i want to do this in hope that others like m self wont ever have to go though what i had toand that we can put a stop to cancer and find a cure.

Please donate and help put a end to cancer once and for all.



My Donors

Anna-Lynn Sanche 

Crystal Olund 

Fallon Horne 

Nathan John 

Brittany Office-Cook 

For more information about our event, please call us at 1-888-255-0333 or email us at events@prostatecancer.ca
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