Please Sponsor Emily Piccinin
Your support is truly appreciated
Emily Piccinin
Jun 19, 2011 9:00 AM
Toronto - Ashbridges Bay Park
My Message
Hello all!
I've decided to walk this year because recently a very dear friend of mine's father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I've known this friend and her family since I was three years old. The news was devastating. You never think something like "cancer" will affect someone in your immediate group of friends, ever. Not too long ago her father underwent surgery which went exceptionally well, and is soon to begin chemotherapy.
I'm walking for all the dads out there that have families to support and daughters to walk down the aisle!!
Please sponsor me this year!
For more information about our event, please call us at 1-888-255-0333 or email us at events@prostatecancer.ca