In Memory of Alvie Khandaker
(We love you Very much and we miss you Very much, our heavenly baby Alvie…….)
ALVIE KHANDAKER April 13, 19993 – June 15, 2010
Alvie Khandaker 17, of Markham ON sadly passed away at 2:07 pm Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at St. Michael Hospital in Toronto, ON.
Alvie was born on April 13, 1993 at Scarborough Grace Hospital in Toronto, ON, son of Dalim Khandaker (Father) and Rumana Khandaker (Mother) and one brother Tanveer Khandaker.
Alvie was an Honor Role student all along from JK until Gr 11; with a nice smile, very intelligent, caring and kind hearted, positive attitude handsome boy; he enjoyed math and science; Alvie went to Mumba Basketball Houselegue of Markham, ON since Gr 5, he was a very good basketball player like his brother Tanveer and he became All-star basketball player when he was in high school. Alvie was offered by Mumba House league to play with University of Toronto basketball team.
Alvie passed away when he just turned only 17, with the blessing of Almighty God he accomplished so may things in his life even people can not accomplish in their 80’s and 90’s; Alvie is the first one in the family who became “Life Guard and Swimming Instructor" when he was only 16 years old and was working as a part time employee for Town of Markham, we are so proud of you Alvie abbu. Alive and his brother Tanveer have completed reading Holly book Qur'ann. He and his family went to OMRAH Hajj in July 2009 and from Makka/Madina trip to Bangladesh trip, he was very happy to see his grandmother and other relatives in Bangladesh. With the Blessing of Allah Alvie performed 3 OMRAH Hajj and the last OMRAH he did with his mother, we are so proud of you Alvie.
Alvie always demonstrated excellent qualities of work for whatever he did whether his school works, as a Life Guard or as a Basketball player and even to help his parents at home, he was a great helper. Also, he was a volunteer employee at Markham Stouveville Hospital in Patient Recovery unit. He wanted to work in the hospital which he thought would be helpful for him when he become Doctor-Anesthesiologist. Alvie wanted to go to McMaster University and become a Doctor so that he could help people. By supporting to Sick Kids Hospital in Alvie’s memory so children can get the help and treatment they need. This is a great way to help children and this is what Alvie always wanted to do.
We really miss you Alvie baby and our life is not the same anymore without you because you are our heavenly baby Alvie and we pray to God that He Bless you with the best Heaven and we will meet you again inshaAllah in Heaven with the Mercy of Allah, Amen. We are so Blessed and thankful to God for having two beautiful Angels in our life – Tanveer and Alvie, thank you Allah for everything and May Allah Bless Tanveer with long life and happiness, Amen.
We can not assume how and why Alvie died only God knows the best, we can only pray for him. Because of his kind hearted personality Alvie touched so many people's heart and everybody loves him and in his funeral more than 2,000 people came from all over Canada and USA, – students, teachers, neighbors, colleagues, families and friends. We are so grateful to everybody for the kind supports in this difficult time of our life and May God Bless us all.
As everybody says, “Good die in young” because God likes to keep them closer to Him. Please keep Alvie and his family in your prayers. May Allah (God) Bless us all and Bless Alvie’s soul and he rest in peace in Heaven, Amen. We belong to God and to God we return.
Alvie we love you Very much and miss you Very much, our heavenly baby Alvie……
Amount Raised:
Fundraising Goal:
 Occupation: Gr. 11 student, Markham District High School, ON, Canada
(Life Guard & Swimming Instructor, Part time employee – Town of Markham)
(Volunteer work – Markham Stouveville Hospital, Patient Surgery- Recovery unit)
Height: 5’ 11” (Very Handsome boy, nice smile with big eyes)
Favourite Sport: Basketball
(All-star player in MUMBA Basketball House league)
Future Goal: McMaster University- Health Science and become a Doctor/Specialist “Anesthesiologist”  Alvie's Favorites:
Color: Red;
Music: Dynamite Song; A great Break Dancer;
Food: Sushi, Dim sum, Thai, Chinese;
Snacks: Lindoor, Reese’s, Jalapeno chips & hot dog;
TV show/Movie: Sponge Bob, Terminator
For more info about fundraising for SickKids, please call 1-800-661-1083 or email us. Set up your own page at www.sickkidsfoundation.com/tributepage!