Please help The Hefmak Family fundraise for Gifts of Hope!
Your donation will help turn a community's dreams for its children into reality!
The Hefmak Family
My message:
A Gift of Hope is part of a long-term plan that takes aim at the root causes of poverty, transforming the lives of children in need. Help us to raise funds for Plan Canada's Gifts of Hope program and make it possible for Plan to work collaboratively with people in the poorer communities of the world - helping them to lift themsolves out of poverty and into a brighter future. Let's help a classroom of students in Colombia. Due to armed conflict and poverty, many Colombian children suffer from malnutrition and hunger. Hungry children are less likely to stay in school and less able to learn if they do attend. Your gift will provide Colombian schoolchildren with nutritious food, health programs and information, so they can learn and grow to be healthy adults.
This fundraiser is our Christmas Gift to our parents, The Kosolofski's, and of course the kids in Colombia.
School Feeding for a Class in Colombia