Please Sponsor "Cairo to the Cape" - Sam Millar & Peter Loewen
Your support is truly appreciated
"Cairo to the Cape" - Sam Millar & Peter Loewen
% of goal]
My Message
Welcome to the Cairo to the Cape donation page for Spread the Net!
WE HAVE RAISED OUR FUNDRAISING OBJECTIVE TO $50,000!!!! Please help us collect 5,000 nets.
Our challenge to you: Support us for 1/2¢ per kilometre of our 12,000km trip by motorcycle across Africa. This works out to a SUGGESTED DONATION OF $60. By doing so, you will help buy SIX NETS and SAVE LIVES. Your donation is tax deductible and none of it will go to the cost of the trip.
Thank you for joining us in the fight against malaria! Malaria is one of the biggest global health problems of our time. More than one million children die of malaria ever year - 90 per cent of them in Africa.
Let's spread the net!
For more information about our event, please visit www.spreadthenet.org