Thanks for your interest in Easter Seals Drop Zone 2008 - Winnipeg. However, this event has been closed.And so it was... One day... One downtown office tower... Only one way down!!! And 54 Manitobans embraced the adventure!! On August 14th, 2008, hundreds of Manitobans gathered in the Canwest Place Courtyard, each with their eyes on the CREIT-RBC Tower at Portage and Fort Street across the street. They all cheered and snapped photos as 54 SUPERHEROES rappelled from the 18th floor roof in the 2008 Easter Seals Drop Zone Winnipeg. In support of Easter Seals Manitoba and The Society for Manitobans with Disabilties Foundation this year's event raised OVER $80,000 to support programs and services for Manitobans who are impacted by disability. Thank you to our 54 Superheroes!! Al Dueck | Han Troung | Lincoln Poulin | Andre Bayrak | Hobie Searles | Lorraine Nickel | Andrea Collins | James Yates | Manfred Hirschfeld | Andree Dupont | Jason Passante | Mark Jardine | Brendan Roddy | Jeff Cook | Mel Dupont | Cathy Fargey | Jeremy Vallence | Natalie Binguis | Charlotte McTavish | John Sauder | Norm Stamler | Christina McLaren | John Scott | Rekha Master | Christina Von Schindler | John Tanner | Rheal Lesage | Curt Plett | John Wyndels | Robin Stamler | Dan Chevrier | Jolene Loewen | Sanjay Master | Dana Thacher | Julie Dagostine | Sherrine Lounsbury | Dave Philips | Karen Miller | Steve Thompson | Diana Simpson | Kathy Pratt | Sue Turner | Fiona Scurrah | Keith Young | Susan Belanger | George Bravo | Kevin Gordon | Tiffany Monkman | Glenda Klassen | Kim Petriew | Todd Peterson | Greg Warner | Kyla Wiebe | Tony Nieuwhof |
They made a difference, and did the drop!! Are you ready? For information on DZ09, please contact us @ dropzone@smd.mb.ca MAKE A DIFFERENCE. MAKE THE COMMITTMENT. DO THE DROP.
Please visit us at [organization website] for further information.