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Support Changing the World Pebble by Pebble's Plan to Change the World

Sponsor or join our team.

Verified Amount Raised: $0.00
Pledged Amount Raised: $0.00
Amount Raised: $0.00 [ 0% of goal ]
Fundraising Goal: $3,000.00
My Team Message
It only takes one girl to change the world.

Please support us and help change the lives of girls and women around the world. Your donation will help to ensure a brighter, safer future for millions of girls thousands of miles away.

Plan International’s Because I am a Girl initiative is a social movement to unleash the power of girls and women to claim a brighter future for girls in the developing world.
When a girl is educated, nourished and protected, she shares her knowledge and skills with her family and community, and can forever change the future of a nation. It’s that powerful.
It only takes ONE girl to change the world.

Thank you for your support.
Goal: $3,000
Raised: $0
Sponsors: 0
0% of goal achieved

Team Members

Verified Amount Raised
NameVerified Amount Raised
Nicole Orr$0.00
Changing the World Pebble by Pebble$0.00



For more information, please call or email us.

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