The Prostate Posse
Sponsor or join our team.
of goal achieved
Team Donors
Dave and Laurie McInnes
Dwayne & Susan Chomyn
Murray and Julie Brown
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Intrinsic Management Consulting
Helene & John Leggatt
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Ayrma Christensen
Madeleine Bonneville
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Father’s Day Walk/Run Supporter
Team Members
For more information, please contact the Foundation at: 1-888-255-0333 or email events@prostatecancer.ca