Brad and Friends

Sponsor or join our team.

Amount Raised: $4,898.00 [ 100% of goal ]
Fundraising Goal: $3,000.00
My Team Message
You may be surprised to learn that one in three Canadian deaths annually are attributed to heart disease and stroke. I am working to help reduce the threat of these diseases by participating in the Heart&Stroke Big Bike event. Through this event, I am raising pledges to fund the life-saving research and education programs supported by the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

You can help me reach my personal fundraising goal by sponsoring me online. When you click on the link below, you will be taken to my personal donation page where you can make a secure online credit card donation. I understand that people are always looking for some type of donation, but as a friend your support would mean so much to me!

With your help together we will improve survival rates and inspire hope for longer, healthier lives! Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Goal: $3,000
Raised: $2,621
Sponsors: 59
87% of goal achieved

Team Donors

Lynn Nagle 


Cindy Bergeron 


Nagle & Associates Inc. 


Heart Hero 

Lockhart's Design & Consulting Inc. 


Buddy Nagle 

Shaun Nagle 

Scott Woodman 

Frank DeMois 

Shaun Nagle 

Shaun Nagle 




Jecka Lee 


Shanie Couture 

Keith & Patti Barry 


Sarah O'Hara 

Gloria Garnett 

Pat Hanratty 

Debbie A 

Meg Fitz 

Meg Fitz 

Bob & Janice Bates 

Sara Whittaker 

Graham Garnett 

Florence Allain 

The Farrell Girls 

Wendy Northrup 

Kaley & Jenna 

Wendy Wilkins 

Jacqueline Breen 

Heart Hero 

Natalia E 

Trudy, Michael & Jeremy 

Heart Hero 

Amanda Aubé 


Janet MacDonnell 

Bob & Janice 

Keith & Janice 

Heart Hero 

megan quayle 

Heart Hero 

Heart Hero 

Kim Houlahan 

Sharyl Williston 


Karen Olsson 

Richard Oulton 

Heart Hero 

Eleanor Marshall 



Team Members

Verified Amount Raised
NameVerified Amount Raised
Brad Stanley$145.00
Kim McCormick$235.00
Lynn Nagle$500.00
terry Nagle$100.00
Cindy Bergeron$276.00
Tanya Henderson$115.00
Kirsten Stanley$185.00
James McLaughlin$150.00
Lisa McLaughlin$150.00
Brad and Friends$145.00
Genista Garnett$120.00
Justin Barry$105.00
Jaryd Stanley$100.00
Mary Allison Williston$100.00
Paulette Furey$100.00
Sue Cole$0.00
Kristina Sranley$75.00
megan quayle$20.00
Erin Moir$0.00
George Clark$0.00
Heather Whelan$0.00
Jeff Bergeron$0.00

For more information, please call or email us.