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Wyoming Stars

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Amount Raised: $1,512.00
My Team Message
Venus de Miles fundraising proceeds support Greenhouse Scholars, providing comprehensive personal and financial support to high-performing, under-resourced college students. Using our unique Whole Person approach, which offers intellectual, academic, professional, and financial support, we are cultivating the next generation of community leaders. The day our Scholars leave college, they’ll be prepared to succeed in their professional endeavors and make significant contributions in their communities. Thank you for making their dreams a reality!

Team Supporters

Michelle Powers 

Kristina Kinney Wilson 

Kristina Kinney Wilson 

Kristina Kinney Wilson 

Kristina Kinney Wilson 

Kristina Kinney Wilson 

Kristina Kinney Wilson 

Tolly McFarland 

Christine Skow-Pucel 

Lorie Andrews 

Janine Thompson 

Anna Anderson 

Janae Ruppert 

Jonna Patton 

Kathryn Boswell 

April Gates 

Jonna Hilzer-Dickie 

Gay Woodhouse 

Rich Wessenberg 


Al & Jayne Soto 

Rebecca Norris 

Sheri Culver 


Team Members



For more information, please email teresa@venusdemiles.com