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Please Support Aaron McCaw

Your support is truly appreciated

Aaron McCaw
[100 % of goal]
Nov 14, 2014 9:00 AM
Planet Ice
My Message

On Nov 14-16 I will be participating in the Scotiabank Hockey for Alzheimer’s tournament, a memorable opportunity to be on the ice with NHL Alumni while supporting an important cause.

The experience begins with a Draft Night where teams draft Alumni players based on team fundraising totals. During the weekend tournament, the top 15 individual fundraisers in the tournament play in an All-Star game with all participating NHL alumni. The top two fundraising teams will play in the Championship game against an all-Alumni team.

As you can imagine, I hope to be among the top fundraisers and would really appreciate your support. Simply click on the ‘Support Me’ button below.

More than 15,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Your support for me and my team in this tournament will help to ensure the Alzheimer Society of B.C. is able to provide programs and services for British Columbian families impacted by this heartbreaking disease and to fund research for a cure.

Thank you for support to “help put Alzheimer’s on ice”.



My Donors

Paramax Homes 

Meline' Sakouyan 

Denise Letkeman 

Olivia and Ashton Sakouyan 

Friend of the Society 


For more information about our event, please call or email Natasha at 604-742-4912 or 1-800-667-3742 or ncollett@alzheimerbc.org. For more information about the Alzheimer Society of B.C., go to www.alzheimerbc.org.
Alzheimer Society of B.C.