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Please Sponsor Michelle Caron

Michelle Caron
[100 % of goal]
My Message
I am training to participate in an endurance event to raise money for Team in Training, part of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada. I’m completing this event in honour of all individuals who are battling blood cancers. These people are the real heroes, and we need your support to find cures!

Please make a donation towards my event and help LLSC achieve its mission. Thank you!



My Donors


Elissa Lewis 

Rosella Tursi 

Dan G. 


Marie Krampac 

Tom Ochiai 

Jesse Prupas 

Irene Litinsky 

Murray Abramovitch 

Louise & Cliff Wood 

Donna & Steve 

Loïc & Martina Bernard 

Tammy Girard 

in loving memory of Gerald 

Daniel Lamarre 

Austin Abramovitch 

Austin Abramovitch 

Pamela Scher 

Staci Kalmek 

Friend of TNT 

Autos Et Freres 

Amanda & Pete 

Avi Satim 

Friend of TNT 


For more information about our event, please call or email us.

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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (800) 955-4572