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Marcia's ONEpossible page

Thank you for being ONE who makes a cure POSSIBLE!

Marcia Glassman-Jaffe
[56 % of goal]
My Message
Thank you for supporting this year’s ONEpossible™ campaign, a time when people, ONE at a time, make the hope of a cure for Progeria POSSIBLE. I got involved over a decade ago because my friend Audrey's (the Executive Director of the Progeria Reasearch Foundation) nephew has Progeria. Progeria is a rare, fatal disease of accelerated aging in children, who die of heart disease at an average age of 13 years. Finding a cure for Progeria will not only help these children, but may provide keys for treating millions of adults with heart disease and stroke associated with the natural aging process. Your support is needed now more than ever. They have doubled their research budget to bring in more high-level experts and get more studies going. And they are planning the biggest, most expensive clinical drug trial yet. They are making so much progress, but need more funds to reach that ultimate goal of a cure. No amount is too small: Their goal of a cure starts with one –YOU. Many thanks for your support . Love, Marcia Glassman-Jaffe



My Donors

Leslie, Scott and Sam 

Anne and Bob Selby 

Marc and Beth Andler 


Bob and Janet Griffin 

Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation: Match of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Griffin 

Jeff and Laura Yates 




Lisa Van Allsburg 

Rhonda Pruss 



For more information about ONEpossible, please email donations@progeriaresearch.org.
Together, we WILL find the cure!