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Stop Rapid-Aging for Carly-Q and others with Progeria!

Thank you for being ONE who makes a cure POSSIBLE!

Kari Doty
[100 % of goal]
My Message
Carly-Q Kudzia is aging at a rate of 8-10 years for every year that people without Progeria age. That means before her second birthday in June, she will already have aged to 16- 20 years of age. She is taking growth hormone, is on many different forms of medication, faces endless doctors's appointments and does it all with a smile.

Progeria is a rare, fatal disease of accelerated aging in children, who die of heart disease at an average age of 13 years. We have the opportunity to give Carly a chance to live much longer with a cure on the horizon! While this is a very rare disease, the implications of a cure are profound for every single person on the plante. The cure will have implications on heart disease and stroke, and aging itself.

Thank you for supporting this year’s ONEpossible™ campaign, a time when people, ONE at a time, make the hope of a cure for Progeria POSSIBLE.

No amount is too small: Our goal of a cure starts with one –YOU. Many thanks for your support!



My Donors

Christine McNicholas 

Dawn D. 

For Carly Q! 

Lisa Albrecht 

Sergey Shprints 


Brian & Holly Zarse 

Carly Ziemer 

Brandon McFadden  


Nicole Prodoehl 

The Eason's 

Matt Durney 

Judith Doty 

For more information about ONEpossible, please email donations@progeriaresearch.org.
Together, we WILL find the cure!