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Be a part of Arvel's plan to change the world

Please support my efforts to improve the lives of girls and women in the developing world.
My Personal Message
I am headed to New York in April to complete a half marathon with a group of amazing women from the Agriculture Industry. We are fundraising for 'Because I am a Girl' as Girls truly can change the world. Girls in the poorest regions of the world are among the most disadvantaged people on the planet. They face unique barriers to survival and development, simply because they're girls. And yet, it's proven that investing in girls is the key to reducing global poverty. Donations will go towards projects like schools and clinics, water and sanitation systems, microfinance, training, and more. And even better, all donations to our Monsanto Chix Team will be matched by Monsanto!

Please support me and help change the lives of girls and women around the world. Your donation will help to ensure a brighter, safer future for millions of girls thousands of miles away.

Thank you for your support.



My Donors

Arvel Lawson 

Glenn Lawson 

Clarence Assenheimer 

Brian Tischler 

For more information about Because I am a Girl visit

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