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Be a part of Erin's plan to change the world

Please support my efforts to improve the lives of girls and women in the developing world.
My Personal Message
I'm running a half marathon with 6 other amazing women. We're fortunate to have these opportunities and have decided to try to enrich the lives of less fortunate women as we go.

Please support me and help change the lives of girls and women around the world. Your donation will help to ensure a brighter, safer future for millions of girls thousands of miles away.

I can think of no greater motivation to run - thank you for your support.



My Donors


Megan Adams 

Joanne Zommer 

Evident Corporate Investigations  

Erin Romeo 

Lisa Sumka 

Paul Romeo 

Monica Gerrie 

Carmaine Romeo 

Chris Anderson 

Cynthia (Cindy) Small 

Ron & Mary-Jean Dewald 

Kristin Ellsworth 

Jennifer Plenert 

Marie Romeo 

Phil DeBruyne 

Amanda Wallack 

Lisa Skene 

Tim O'Hagan 

For more information about Because I am a Girl visit

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