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New York City Half Marathon

Please support my efforts to improve the lives of girls and women in the developing world.
My Personal Message
It only takes one girl to change the world. Please help me raise funds for the Because I am a Girl Organization. A group of Women from Monsanto and a few of our customers are running a half marathon in New York City on April 15th. We are using this event to help raise some funds for a very good cause.

Please support me and help change the lives of girls and women around the world. Your donation will help to ensure a brighter, safer future for millions of girls thousands of miles away. For example, your donation will do towards clean water, an education, or better health care for a girl in developing areas of the world.

Thank you for your support.



My Donors

Qu'Appelle Agencies 

Cory & Cathy Soloducha & Beck 

Treena Wuner 

Lisa Horsman 

Leann & Jayson Kowalchuk 

Donna Thompson 

Barry & Kim Sandercock 

Andrea Webster 

Carisa Polischuk 

Marlin Webster 

Bonny McLean 

Margaret Ollett 

Jenn Flaman 

Bernice Webster 

Diane Hayward 

Joan Taylor 

For more information about Because I am a Girl visit

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