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Please Sponsor Kellie Harrisson

Your support is truly appreciated

Kellie Harrisson
[36 % of goal]
Jun 19, 2010 9:00 AM
My Message
Eva Markvoort (in the above picture) died on the morning of March 27th 2010 from Cycstic Fibrosis. Here's a part of her journal from March 25th.

"can't breathe

every hour

once an hour

i can't breathe"

Eva's journal is here: http://65redroses.livejournal.com

Please sponsor me and help those who are unlucky to have this mysterious disease!



My Donors

Kellie Harrisson 

Barkers Gravel Contractors  

Mike Hughes 

Ride Supporter 

Heather Buzila 

Ride Supporter 

Mike Wordell 

Linnell Samis 

Ride Supporter 

Jennifer Gibbens 


leisa wylie 

Pat Murphy 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.
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