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Bev Johnson's Donations from generous friends!

Your support is greatly appreciated

Venus de Miles fundraising proceeds support Greenhouse Scholars, providing comprehensive personal and financial support to high-performing, under-resourced college students. Using our unique Whole Person approach, which offers intellectual, academic, professional, and financial support, we are cultivating the next generation of community leaders. 


Beverly Johnson
[100 % of goal]
Dear Donor,

Venus de Miles fundraising proceeds support Greenhouse Scholars, providing comprehensive personal and financial support to high-performing, under-resourced college students. Any donation can make a difference.

Please help me contribute to this worthy cause!!

My Team

Golden Legs Cycling Goddesses
This is a dynamic group of women. We love to ride and have fun while doing it!



My Supporters

Julie Eugenis 


Melvin Soltwisch 

michael flynn 



For more information about our event, please email teresa@venusdemiles.com