Veuillez parrainer Kelly Graham

Votre soutien est réellement apprécié.

Kelly Graham
2 280,00 $
[76 % d’objectif]
3 000,00 $
Mon message
I would like to ask you to sponsor me this year for the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Big Bike. I have been raising money for this cause for 19 years.
This year I had a scare and thought I might have to use the invaluable services of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. But everything turn out OK and I didn't but I was thankful their services were there if I had needed them.
Because of fundraising efforts like this we can all breathe easier knowing that help is there if we need it.

Mes donateurs

David Sanchez 
300,00 $

250,00 $

Andre Longpre 
200,00 $

Mark D. Evans 
100,00 $

Wayne Maguire 
50,00 $

David Rea 
50,00 $

50,00 $

Leonard Slipp 
50,00 $

Patricia Pallister 
50,00 $

Catherine Tylliros 
50,00 $

Stephen Girling 
50,00 $

usha shangari 
50,00 $

Doug Harrison 
40,00 $

Bruce Morin 
25,00 $

Heart Hero 
25,00 $

robin stuart  
25,00 $

Andre Turmel 
25,00 $

Dianne Sinclair 
25,00 $

Rick Piercey 
25,00 $

Sean Mudge 
25,00 $

Jacquie Watkins 
25,00 $

Danny Laird 
25,00 $

Karen McAdam 
25,00 $

Juidth Bualat 
25,00 $

Heart Hero 
25,00 $

25,00 $

Louis OByrne 
25,00 $

Heart Hero 
25,00 $

harvey sheppard 
25,00 $

Tony Reid 
25,00 $

25,00 $

Darmon Pike 
25,00 $

Gilles Lefebvre 
25,00 $

Debbie Sandhu 
25,00 $

Belle Hudson 
25,00 $

derek johnson 
25,00 $

Dale A Rourke 
25,00 $

Esther Snow 
20,00 $

Edith Noddle 
20,00 $

Aline Paulin 
20,00 $

Heart Hero 
20,00 $

Taseer Warraich 
10,00 $

kevin mccarthy 
10,00 $

Florin Allen 
10,00 $

Ray Martin 
10,00 $

Heart Hero 

Heart Hero 

Heart Hero 

Heart Hero 

D Dalley 

Heart Hero 

Kim Wonfor 

Hatchard Engineering Ltd. 

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