Please Sponsor CRAIG ENNETT
Your support is truly appreciated
% of goal]
May 27, 2007 11:00 AM
My Message
My name is CRAIG ENNETT and I am a Grade III Anaplastic Astrocytoma survivor. I was diagnosed in early September 2006, have had brain surgery, (left frontal lobe resection) chemotherapy/radiation combination, (6 weeks) and am currently in the midst of my LAST round of high dose chemotherapy. (6 months). Woo hoo!!! I believe that the best way to fight my brain tumour is a positive attitude, and I'm not giving in to it ever!!! I'm participating for the estimated 55,000 Canadians currently living with a brain tumour, and the 10,000 more that will be diagnosed this year. Help me imagine a cure! Thank you for your generous support! CRAIG
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