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Please Sponsor Mackenzie Mathers

Your support is truly appreciated

Mackenzie Mathers
[100 % of goal]
May 6, 2007 9:00 AM
My Message
I'm participating for the estimated 55,000 Canadians currently living with a brain tumour, and the 10,000 more that will be diagnosed this year. Help me imagine a cure!

My Donors

Karen Graham-Eason 

Walter Reinecker 

Corey Reinecker 

Scott, Deb, Taylor & Nicole Grove 

Aileen Hamill 

Arley & Les Lee 

Gerri Hamill 

Joanne, Pete, Adam and Daniel Barlow 

Lisa, Doug and Sam Smith 

Joanne Ferrier 

Aileen Hamill 

Nicole, Michael, Raine, Jack and Cole Branston 

Colin & Kelly Hamill 

John Hamill 

Kevin Hamill 

Heather Hussey 

Seth Adair 

Heather Shephard 

Lynne Brophy 

Kelly Craig 

Eleanor Hunt 

Jim Goarley 

Tim Fritz 

Rob & Michelle Ilczyszyn 

Erin VanDam 

Stacey DeGraw 

Michael Hopper 

Kim Baillie 

Sandra Durnez 

Dave & Kathleen Mitchell 

Dave & Kathleen Mitchell 

Cole & Kyle Misic 

Judy Poustie 

Lynsey Ross 

Tracy Repas 

Karen Howie 

George Howie 

Barbara MacPhail 

Barb and Rick Doyle 

Desmond Hamill 

Kevin Bailie 

Corey Hutchinson 

Tim Howard 

Barb & Bob Cox 

Lori Reynolds 

Teresa Sulowski 

Michelle BenZvi 

Bryan Kendall 

Phelicity Gutherie 

Angela Bicknell 

Sue Milburn 

Craig & Marion Otto 

Kristin MacDonnell 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.