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Please Sponsor lisa rysdale

Your support is truly appreciated

lisa rysdale
[100 % of goal]
May 6, 2007 9:00 AM
My Message
I'm participating for the estimated 55,000 Canadians currently living with a brain tumour, and the 10,000 more that will be diagnosed this year. Help me imagine a cure!

My Donors

Pat Herzog 

Lori and Tom Madden 

Sarah Knight 

Andrea Polkinghorne 

Andrea Konopka 

Natasha Eadie 

Bonnie Adams 

Jennifer Cunningham 

Rita MacIntyre 

Margaret Adams 

Krista and Mike Bowlby 

Sharon Richard 

Steph and Ken Farrow 

Wendy and Mike Kelly 

Lori & Ian Leggatt 

Shane Duffy 

Mark and Tracy Lawrence 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.