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Please Sponsor Treise Logan

Your support is truly appreciated

Treise Logan
[100 % of goal]
May 6, 2007 9:00 AM
My Message
May 6th,2007 will be two years to the day that I was diagnosed and I'm proud to be participating for the estimated 55,000 Canadians currently living with a brain tumour which includes myself, and the 10,000 more that will be diagnosed this year. Last year I raised a little over $2400.00 and would like to raise more this year. Help me imagine a cure!

My Donors

Jon Seabrook 

o2e inc. Environmental Consultants 

Howie Cooper 

Denise Deveau 

Dennis, Lori, Izzy , Sam & Emilia Logan 

Chris, Niki, Nicholas and Jacob Rochford 

Tim and Nadine Logan 

Brian & Joanne Phillipson 

Lorraine Deveau and Andrew Scott 

Mike, Tas, Dylan and Sydney Staecker 

David Evans 

Bill Payne 

Harlan, Kerry, Tommy, Sam and Annie Cooper 

Betty Anne Patterson 

Beverly & Tony Reid 

Kathryn Boothby 

Lizzie Philp 

Roger and Dorothy Roberts 

Mike and Pat Payne 

Sheila Suzuki 

Jeff, Jen, Abbey and Will Bibbings 

Jonh, David, T.J., Georgia Macdonald 

Gwen Logan 

Carissa Pertschy 

Erin Latam 

Davey and Carol McGlynn 

Mike, Julie, Ellie, Jack and Harry Evans 

Chantal Rendall 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.