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Let us make a Difference one Girl at a time

Please support my efforts to improve the lives of girls and women in the developing world.
My Personal Message
It only takes one girl to change the world.

Please support us and help change the lives of girls and women around the world. Your donation will help to ensure a brighter, safer future for millions of girls thousands of miles away.

Please Join us at the Fundraising BBQ
August 17th 2014, 12 - 4 pm
173 Forest Ridge Rd
Richmondhill, Ontario

If you are unable to attend the event, you have the option to donate online.

Thank you for your support.
Sugi and Friends



My Donors


Oshawa Heath Centre Pharmacy . 



4S Consulting Services  

Aman Sandhu 

Tu Dang 

Dr Giridhar Ponnam 

Jeremy, Janis & David Foster 

Yvonne Sinniah 

Rejean Bourgault 

Nicole Kelly 

Miles Davis 

Lisa Kelly 

Victor Beckles 

Christine Glenn 


Jennifer Steinbrecher 

Lim Lum, CGA Professional Corporation  



Christine Wong 

Greg Schlotzhauer 

Stephanie Coleman 

Connex Telecommunications Inc  

Reyhan Ali 

John Baker 


sunjeev malhotra 

Diagnostic Services Network Inc.  

Suren Sothylingam 


Medical Trust Clinics . 

Marianne Gracey 

Dawn Chong 

For more information about Because I am a Girl visit

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