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Celebrate Pam Hanson and Jim Tower's Marriage

Please support my efforts to improve the lives of girls and women in the developing world.
My Personal Message
It only takes one girl to change the world.

Please support Jim and myself by helping to change the lives of girls and women around the world. Your donation will help to ensure a brighter, safer future for girls thousands of miles away. We invite you to click on the "What Can I Do" tab above to get a sense of what the contributions to this charity will be put to work towards. Once you have explored the charity's various programs, and wish to make a donation, just click back to this page.

If you would not like your name and/or donation amount displayed on this page for all to see, you can choose these options under the contact information section when you are donating. In any event, a private message will be sent to Jim and I.

Thank you for your support.

Pam and Jim



My Donors

Bradley Hardie 

Cathy and Phil Rafuse 

Grant and Terri Williams 

Bruce Schouten 

Angela Meharg 

Stephen Allen 

Glynis Evans 

Suzanne Lance 

Brian Turner 

Bernie & Darlene Young 

Josey and John Finley 

Nicholas and Sue Austin 

Engels Almeida 

John and Gale Hanson 

Tom & Joanna Rolfe 

Care Carrigan 


Janie Rolfe 

Roma Rolfe 

Jason & Lynn Finley 

James & Laura Woodger 

Miriam John 

Carole Ann Dennis 

John Garrow 

For more information about Because I am a Girl visit

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