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Please Sponsor Linda Burleson

Your support is truly appreciated

Linda Burleson
[87 % of goal]
Feb 12, 2011 9:00 AM
Lake Eola, Downtown Orlando
My Message
Thank you for helping me help the SPCA. With your help, we can find homes for thousands of wonderful pets and we can improve the lives of countless others in the community.



My Donors

Linda Burleson 

Anonymous Pet Friend 

Michael Dill 

Patty Lauffer 

Donna Perrier 

Kathy Harter 

Sharon Kanipe 

Thomas & Jill Collette 

Fom Lilly in memory of Big Boy 

Rosalie Clute 

Kristine Piser 

Remembering Big Boy - good kitty  

In memory of Dusty  

Yvette Montero Salvatico 

Penny Davis 

Lynn and Darrell Brown 

Michelle Kong 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.