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Please Pledge Geoffrey Gouinlock

Support the Power of Movement!

Geoffrey Gouinlock
[79 % of goal]
Feb 27, 2011 11:00 AM
*Virtual Practice - I'm not attending a Mega-Session
My Message
Hi everyone.
I am back doing yoga again this year as part of Power of Movement, a Canada-wide yoga fundraiser in support of arthritis research.

Arthritis and other auto-immune diseases take a horrible personal toll on the lives of millions of Canadians and generate an enormous burden of medical costs and lost productivity.

More personally, I have two great friends who daily battle the effects of crippling rheumatoid arthritis and scleroderma. I'd love to help find a cure and, I know that with more research, we will continue to make progress towards conquering these terrible diseases.

Thanks in advance for helping to "Beat Arthritis"



My Donors


Geoffrey Gouinlock 

bob and janet gouinlock 

Anne Gouinlock 

Keith Powell 

Friend of the AARC Foundation 

Wanda Ho 

Thomas Pladsen 

John Sinclair 

Doug Richmond 

Hugh and Cathy DesBrisay 

James Magee 

Mark Decker 

james cowan 

Ross Powell 

Lang Moffat 

Paul Wickens 

Sharon Geraghty 

Cecily Bradshaw 

robert lee 

Fergus Gould 

Mark Evans 

Grant Simpson 

Ted Larkin 

John Stevenson 

Friend of the AARC Foundation 

David Poulson 

Jeff Richmond 

Denys Calvin 

Chris & Donna Sisam 

Katie Gouinlock 

rob mollenhauer 

Ian Richmond 

Dianne White 

Cynthia Webb 

David Toyne 

Phil Richmond 

Robert Carcasole 

William W. Berghuis 

For more information about Power of Movement visit www.powerofmovement.ca to get involved and learn more about important arthritis and autoimmune disease research in Canada, where the dollars go, and how this event is making a difference. Musculoskeletal conditions represent Canada’s primary healthcare crisis. Chronic pain and chronic autoimmune diseases affect millions of Canadians and cost our economy billions. There’s Power in OUR Movement…by participating we are changing the way Canada supports health and mobility!