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Please help us reach our goals

YES! I want to feed hungry people in the GTA. 

As much as Daily Bread loves getting food donations, it can do much more with a donation of funds for food. With your dollar, Daily Bread can buy a pound of food. That is double the amount of food that you can buy yourself at a grocery store. It also gets the nutritious food items that it needs the most.

Double your impact, give Daily Bread funds for food today.

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[100 % of goal]
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Don't forget to donate or bring something in... you can also make donations online!

Donors from this Company/Group

Gail Misra 

Melissa Kronick 

Micheil Russell 

Harold Caley 

Jim Nyman 

Denis Ellickson 

Michael Church 

Ken Stuebing 

Jesse Nyman 

Douglas Wray 

Kelly Butt 

Jennifer DeKezel 

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