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Please Sponsor Abe Van Dorp

Your support is truly appreciated

Abe Van Dorp
[90 % of goal]
Jun 19, 2010 9:00 AM
My Message
I'm riding for my fifteen-year old daughter who suffers from Cystic Fibrosis (CF). CF attacks the lungs and the digestive system and is the most common, fatal genetic disease affecting young Canadians; the disease is presently incurable. Clogging their lungs and digestive system with thick mucus, it makes breathing difficult and hinders proper digestion. My daughter endures 3 hours of physiotherapy treatments, swallows 22-25 pills and takes 2 doses of steroids every day. This combination of medicine and physiotherapy is necessary to try to keep her healthy. And as hard as she works at staying healthy, I still hear numbers like 61% lung capacity in her small airways, 72% overall lung capacity. This December, while her school friends got a two week break to enjoy Christmas, she was admitted to the Stollery Children’s Hospital for “a tune-up”. This is a quaint way of saying the daily treatments were slowly losing the battle and she needed a powerful boost of IV antibiotics to stem the constant infections that ravage her lungs.

Please help me "Breathe life into the future" and sponsor me on this year's ride.



My Donors

Graham Stringer 

Ride Supporter 

Mike Brodie 

Joseph Francese 

Ray Johnson 

Tom Grabowski 

Simon Lanoix 

Ride Supporter 

Cornelia Vellenga 

Cliff & Nicole Ziegler 

Craig Coward 

Bruce Nattrass 

Wendy Kostiuk 

Stephen Matthews 

Evan Clark 

Dennis Hulme 

Jan Clegg 

Donna Chrystian 

Lysanne Bullen 

Bob Graham 

Ride Supporter 

Darin Williams 

Dejan Slokar 

Lisa Carroll 

Maarten van Dorp 

Pamela Wolters 

Kim Mellors 

sandra dartana 

Laurie Ganton 

Michelle Farmer 

Norman Brown 

Terry Harris 

Karen Oko 

Gordon Reich 

Don Galloway 

chris lavin 

Kevin VanDenBruel 

Marvin Coley 

John Galloway 

Marianne West 

Darrell Coley 

Cheryl Senger 

Colleen Slawsky 

R Graf 

Malcolm Steele 

Bill and Tana Karras 

Leona Miskey 

Graeme McNeil 

Ken Kaldenhoven 

Bev Hughes 

Ride Supporter 

Wendy Hoffmann 

Scott Law 

Terry Grant 

Sherri Birkbeck 

Carol Collins 

Larry Caouette 

Ride Supporter 

Ride Supporter 

Tanya Best 

Ride Supporter 

Rick Reid 

Steve Reed 

Greg Thorsley 

Ride Supporter 

Tim Wildman 

Warren Beach 

Aaron Heinrich 

Ride Supporter 

Ride Supporter 

Hargreaves & Associates  

Alex Necheff 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.
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