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Canadian Beach Volleyball Team Emergency Funding

This funding comes at a critical time for the National Beach Volleyball athletes. The athletes are all in major debt and stressed. Just by creating the CAN Fund Emergency Support Fund for them last Tuesday May 15th they feel supported and a little empowered. I shared one of my favourite sayings with them " If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together." On Sunday morning May 20th we told them the minimum goal of $60,000 had been reached. They were all very happy to hear this news. They have been living in scarcity for so long having funded training camps, and traveling to China, Poland and Brazil for Olympic qualifiers on their own. Many have shared they have $5 or $20 in their bank accounts with all their credit cards maxed. Both the men's and women's teams are competing in the final Olympic qualifying tournaments and with the Games only two months away we want them to focus on succeeding. We will continue to raise money for these athletes. Thank you to all our proud Canadians who are answering the call to support these athletes.

Name: Emergency Travel Funding for the Beach Volleyball Teams
Amount Raised: $79,830.24
Fundraising Goal: $100,000.00

My Event Details
When: May 15, 2012 4:55 PM
Location: Canada
PostCode: M5A2W7

CAN Fund

CAN Fund is a not for profit organization created to fill a funding gap and give our Canadian athletes (summer, winter, able-bodied and Paralympic) the financial support they need to train and compete for Canada. Where CAN Fund makes a significant impact is in the years leading up to the Games, the years when no one is watching or cheering, or even aware of our athletes and their journey to be the best in the world. The majority of our athletes are paying for equipment, travel to competitions and training camps, coaching, proper nutrition, extra physiotherapy and team fees that range from $1,000 to $27,000. With every donation to CAN Fund you are given the name of the athlete who will benefit from your support and you receive a charitable tax receipt.

CAN Fund

CAN Fund is a not for profit organization created to fill a funding gap and give our Canadian athletes (summer, winter, able-bodied and Paralympic) the financial support they need to train and compete for Canada. Where CAN Fund makes a significant impact is in the years leading up to the Games, the years when no one is watching or cheering, or even aware of our athletes and their journey to be the best in the world. The majority of our athletes are paying for equipment, travel to competitions and training camps, coaching, proper nutrition, extra physiotherapy and team fees that range from $1,000 to $27,000. With every donation to CAN Fund you are given the name of the athlete who will benefit from your support and you receive a charitable tax receipt.


Goal: $100,000
Raised: $79,830
Sponsors: 105
80% of goal achieved

My Donors

Sprott Asset Management 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

John Rossall 

Mike Pelyk 

Nexen Inc.  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Bruce Hoeschen 

Freedom International 

Peter McRae 

Nexen Inc.  

Jamie Coatsworth 

Kent Wilson 

Heath Thomlinson 

Kim Woima 

Scott Witter 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Dana Cooke 

Wayne Groom 

Vanessa Morgan 

Jim and Dianne Moore 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Nexen Inc.  

Kim Woima 

Josh Nichol 

Lorne Chan 

York Langerfeld 

kyra iannone 

Kelly Zalec 

Brittney Timperley 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Ian Murray 

Sharon Simons 

Andrew Long 

Alyson Mahar 

Tim Down 

Dave Shaw 

Laura Cooke 

Peter Volpe 

Graham Longford 

Laura Comin 

rosemary devli 

Shreya Shah 

Harleen Bains 

Marcia McIntyre 

Tim and Susan Griffin 

margot rockett 

Richard VanHuizen 

Mike Winstone 

Paul Mend 

Steve Gildersleeve 

Sideout Beach Volleyball  

Lorraine Holt 

Mike Waugh 

David Maloney 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Michelle Fioretti 

D. Scott Webster 

Gillian Sewell 

Carlos Hicks 

David Messier 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Ben Rutledge 

Kristan Burley 

Bob and Eileen MacDonald 

Lauren Stockstad 

Elsie Manley-Casimir 

Manuel Aldana 

Elizabeth van Grootheest 

piotr bukowski 

Kathryn Ellis 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Elizabeth Porter 

Smart Search Media (Glen Rostie)  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Jenna Cohen 

Kevin Jagger 

Bradley Smith 

Paul Charbonneau 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Andrew Kuckyt 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Lisa Baumal 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Dianne Woima 

Marla Mollicone 

Greg Lockwood 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Rosalie Sinanan 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Karen Maloney 

Dorothy Piotrowski 

Tony Leung 

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Friend of Canadian Athletes Now Fund  

Tim Lee 

Marianne Valjas 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.