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Please Support John & Micaela Fitzgerald

Your support is truly appreciated!

John & Micaela Fitzgerald
[100 % of goal]
Jan 27, 2009 2:15 PM
First Location
My Message
Hello Friends and Family,

It's adventure time for the Fitzgeralds!! ... We are very excited to be heading to Africa to help build a dormatory for girls. We are hoping that you will consider donating to this cause and helping us to reach our goal to raise $4000. The details of the project are listed below. We understand that you receive requests ALL THE TIME .. so no pressure, but this is a great cause and we will be personally involved with some hands on work... so please consider and any amount will help! Thanks so much !!
John and Micaela

We are partnering with Awet Secondary School in Karatu, Tanzania to improve the quality of education Tanzania. We are raising money for a new girls dormitory. We need to raise $50,000.

Awet Secondary School is in Kimbia Ya Simba (Camp of Lions) in Karatu District. Many families want to send their children to Awet because it has the best test scores in Karatu District. For this reason it has 649 students (373 girls).

Awet needs a new girls' domritory because 8 students are currently sharing a room.

It is important that female secondary school students stay in dormitories. If girls stay at home they are under pressure to do household chores - cooking, fetching water, childcare etc. - at the neglect of their studies. If they live away from home in Kimbia Ya Simba they are at risk of harrassment by local men and boys. Dormitories, like the one for which I'm raising money, are very important!

Please help us reach our goal!



My Donors

John & Micaela Fitzgerald 

Helga Zelinski 

Carrie Lynn Bonavia 

Kevin Fitzgerald 

Barbara Fitzgerald 

Frank Lee 

michael rapp 

Cameron Jones 


Stewart Hum 

Leanne Polio 

gordon schwartz 

Greyleith Engineering and Construction (Canada) Lt  

Brian Fitzgerald 

Diane King 

Sacha Singh 

Robert & Carrie Feibel 

Jeff Hovey 

Ian Milne 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.