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Please Support Louis Lamontagne

Your support is truly appreciated!

Louis Lamontagne
[100 % of goal]
Jan 27, 2009 2:15 PM
First Location
My Message
A special note to friends and colleagues.
This coming July, my daughter Samantha and I are travelling to Tanzania with an expedition led by Ben Webster as well as the participation of some Asbury students. We are partnering with Awet Secondary School in Karatu, a small village in north-west Tanzania to improve the quality of education in a nearby school. To achieve this objective, we are raising money to build a dormitory for the girls. We need to raise a minimum of $50,000. The more we raise, the more girls we can accomodate in the new dormitory.

Awet Secondary School is in Kimbia Ya Simba (Camp of Lions) in Karatu District. Many families want to send their children to Awet because it has the best test scores in Karatu District. For this reason it has 649 students of which 373 are girls. Awet needs to urgently extend the size of the girls' domritory because 8 students are currently sharing a room and less than 100 girls are being accommodated. It is important that female school students stay in dormitories becasue If they stay at home they are under pressure to do household chores - cooking, fetching water, childcare etc. - at the neglect of their studies. Moreover they are at risk of harrassment and physical harm by local men and boys as they walk to and from school each day. It has been conclusively shown that wiithout dormitories, very few girls ever graduate from school and as such are severely gender disadvantaged. We will actually spend time in Kimbia Ya Simba to help build the dormitory and interact with the children, the teachers and the families.
Please help me reach and hopefully surpass my goal! I appreciate with all my heart any contribution you may wish to make. CPAR has gracioulsy volunteered to collect and manage the funds as well as issue electonic receipts.
If you want to know more, please give me a call at 613-863-0885. Upon my retunr, I will gladly share my pictures with you.
Warmest regards,



My Donors

Wallack's Art Supplies  

Brian Morrison 

Robert Milin 

Louis Lamontagne 

Janet Fanaki 

Jack Gauldie 

Bernie & Linda Normand 

Hubert Girouard 

Eric Yau 

Darren and Clare Nippard 

Ann Tremblay 

Jennifer Ruddy 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.