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Dan Gordon's Fundraising Page

I Need YOUR Support Today...

Dan Gordon
[95 % of goal]
May 10, 2009 2:00 PM
Jewish Family Service
My Message
What a wonderful mitzvah! You can help The Friendship Circle help teenagers help children. YOU make a difference in repairing the world! Feel free to join my team and walk along...we'll tell tall tales along the way. Thank you for your kindness.

My Team:

a team with a tale
We'll tell tall tales as we walk along

My Guest Book



My Donors

Regina Rogers 

Yoel and Sandy Arnoni 

Tracy and Tracy Johnson 

Steve Weingarten 

Michael and M'Risa Mendelsohn 

Fran Smith 

Anonymous Donor 

Anonymous Donor 

Jay Hamburger 

Hy Penn 

Pam Goodfriend 

Bobbi Samuels 

Mitzi Shure 

David Odle 

Carrie Garfield 

Linda Kates 

Cynthia Whittington 

Edith Hamer 

Jo Ann Levine 

Ellen Lowe 

Rabbi Jack Segal 

Rose G. Rose 

Mickey and Noel Graubart 

Elaine Feiner 

Janet Sisler 

Beverly & David Sufian 

Jan Rose 

Richard Wiener 

frieda and melvin dow 

Irving Pozmantier 

Anonymous Donor 

Meagan Londy 

Simon & Carol Wellner 

Yana Finkelshteyn 

Marcia & Elliott Weser 

Jared Maidenberg 

Dan Gordon 

Dan Gordon 

Castine Theriot 

Debra Swaim 

Gerald & Sherry Merfish 

Gary and Susan Bain 

Iris and Alan Fisherman 

Rosa Herst 


Your generous donation will help me reach my goal... I'm doing my part to assist children with special needs and their families but I still need YOUR HELP!

Please Note:  Your online gift to the Friendship Circle of Houston is tax deductible and you will automatically receive an e-tax receipt once your donation has processed.

Should you have any concerns regarding this event, your online donation or if you find anything on this page offensive, please CONTACT US.