Rachel Friedman's Fundraising Page
Helping to Fight Hunger and Homelessness...
Rachel Friedman
% of goal]
Apr 12, 2008 9:30 AM
University of California - Riverside
My Message
Thank you for visiting my personal Fundraising Page! Please help me reach my goal to help fight hunger and homelessness by making an online gift TODAY...
Your gift will go toward our campus goal of $7000. 50% of the funds raised will go to a local beneficiary, 35% will go to the National Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, and 15% will go to an international relief organization in Darfur.
If you are interested in taking part of this amazing event, we are still looking for team members to volunteer on Saturday April 12, 2008. Please contact me if you are interested!
Thank you for your generosity! Rachel Friedman -- UCR Hunger Cleanup Chair & Captain of The Mighty Fundraisers Team -- rfrie002@student.ucr.edu