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Veuillez parrainer Jacqueline Miller

Votre soutien est réellement apprécié.

Jacqueline Miller
545,00 $
[100 % d’objectif]
500,00 $
2014-06-07 06:00
Mon message
HI! Thanks for visiting my team in training fundraising page! I am very excited to start training to run 5k to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada. This is very near to my heart as you know my cousins daughter Madeline has been battling ALL and I've also lost too many loved ones to cancer. Please support me in learning to run 5k. I think seeing my donation thermometer rising will increase my motivation to keep going! Thanks in advance. I thank you and the LLSC will thank you!!


Objectif: 500 $
Récoltés: 545 $
Donateurs: 9
109% d’objectif atteint

Mes donateurs

130,00 $

100,00 $

100,00 $

Christina Binnema 
50,00 $

25,00 $

20,00 $

Heidi MacDonald-Kirby 

Kaitlyn and Steve Skinner 


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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (800) 955-4572