BMO Vancouver 2014 - Jacquie
Votre soutien est réellement apprécié.
Jacquie Kuhl
2 948,01 $
% d’objectif]
2 950,00 $
2014-05-04 06:00
Mon message
Who would have thought, Jacquie bitten by the Half Marathon bug. BMO Vancouver Marathon is a second opportunity to train with Team in Training, raise more money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and challenge myself through another half marathon. At this time what I need from my friends and family is financial support for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. My goal for this event is $3,000.00. Thank you for your past support and I fully understand if you are unable to contribute again so soon. I know each of you are part of my moral support and I truly appreciate that support and will remember you while I train. Thanks so much!! Jacquie
To make a donation to support my participation in Team In Training and help advance LLSC’s mission.
I hope you’ll visit my web site often. Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress.
Thanks for your support!
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