Please Sponsor Steph
Votre soutien est réellement apprécié.
Steph Walsh
3 680,85 $
% d’objectif]
3 500,00 $
2014-04-27 06:00
Entraînement individuel avec du support en ligne - Reste du Canada
Mon message
Welcome to my Team In Training home page.
I have decided to run in the Nike Women's Half Marathon in Washington DC... run, I know - eeekkkk!!! I have never run anything before, but this is an amazing challange, and one I am excited to take on.
As some of you may know Dwayne's dad, Richard, my father-in-law bravely battled with lymphoma for several years.
I see this as my opportunity to do a very small part to raise awareness, support the research to make other people's battles easier (and hopefully survivable) and of course to raise funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Scoiety of Canada.
Please join me, show me your support for my endeavour and together we can get through these 21.1 km of Washington DC.
You can sponsor me on my webpage, and follow my journey to the race through facebook.
Thank you! :)
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