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Please Sponsor Richard Lewis

Your support is truly appreciated.

Richard Lewis
[100 % of goal]
Mar 30, 2014 1:30 PM
My Message
Welcome to my Team In Training home page.

I am training to participate in an endurance event as a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada’s Team In Training. All of us on Team In Training are raising funds to help stop leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives. I’m completing this event in honour of all individuals who are battling blood cancers. These people are the real heroes on our team, and we need your support to cross the ultimate finish line - a cure!

Please make a donation to support my participation in Team In Training and help advance LLSC’s mission.

I hope you’ll visit my web site often. Be sure to check back frequently to see my progress.

Thanks for your support!



My Donors

The Tenaquip Foundation 



Entreprise R Lewis  

Gordon Lewis 



Scott Beckett 

The Pessoa Family 

Denis Lepinay  

McKeil Marine Limited 

Francois Groleau 

Chris Cowan 


Andre Otis 

Chris Piazza 

Bravo pour ton implication et ton dépassement 

Michel Larose 

Gurinder girn 

François Lecavalier 

Jocelyn Plouffe 

Friend of TNT 

Pierre Lafond 

Luc Poirier 

Dominique Dubé 

Steve Ker 

Abbas Khan 

Karine Beauchesne 


J. Lopez 

Scott & Jennifer Keir 

Sonia Gagnon 

Raymond Côté 

France Goyet 

Dave ramsay 

Sylviane Girard 

Mike Homsy 

Team Di Rienzo 

marc-andré drolet 

Marc Villeneuve 

Shawn Tylee 

Scarth MacDonnell 

Friend of TNT 

Brian Long 

Syed Mohamed 

Mike Brown 

Christian Lefebvre 

Christian Monette 

Stephane Corron  

Claude Huot 

Sylvie Garnier 

Brent Samson 

Nicolas Goyette 

Daniel Bégin 

Adam BEnder 

Jean-Pierre Moreau 


Nate and Lyla Wagner 


Marco Plante 

Friend of TNT 


Nicolas Lauzier 

Nathalie Lewis 

Sonia Simone 

Peter Seibert 

Benjamin Faucon 

Glen King 

Gene Di Fiore 

Isabelle Lord 

Lafarge Ottawa 

Kevin Hurley 

Frédéric Dufault 

Anne Papineau 

For more information about our event, please call or email us.

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The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (800) 955-4572