David Barnsdale
Your support is truly appreciated.
David Barnsdale
% of goal]
Sep 21, 2013 8:00 AM
4) 25km Race
My Message
OK so I’m taking part in RBC Run for the Kids to support youth mental health services at Sunnybrook. I have committed to the 25k run, crazy I know as I haven't ran more the 20k in my life. So the challenge is on and to raise at least $2500. Here's where you come in, because I need your help to do that. Could you please consider making a donation. Use the link at the bottom of this email to go visit my webpage, and please take the time to support me. Please keep in mind the commitment I'm making to support this cause.
Click 'Sponsor Me' below to donate and help youth quickly find the care they need!
For more information about our event, please e-mail us: rbcrunforthekids@sunnybrook.ca