I'm Gonna Do Good All by Myself With Others
Your support is greatly appreciated
Venus de Miles fundraising proceeds support Greenhouse Scholars, providing comprehensive personal and financial support to high-performing, under-resourced college students. Using our unique Whole Person approach, which offers intellectual, academic, professional, and financial support, we are cultivating the next generation of community leaders.
Dana Erdman
Take the lead.
They teach us that in school, don't they? Be a leader. Be a role model. Be proud, and do good. Be that person. The person that other people can look up to. Be smart. Make good decisions. Be motivated. Drive.
How many of us have taken the lead? How many can say that are doing good all by themselves? How many of us are using the very resources we have cultivated inside ourselves for so long and using them, either for our own personal betterment, or to better the lives of others?
I found Venus de Miles the way I normally find my rides. But more than the usual reasons I choose a ride, I was inspired by the research I did on the Greenhouse Scholars, an organization providing comprehensive personal and financial support to high-performing, under-resourced college students. I live in Chicago and I can tell you first hand that this organization is exactly what this city needs. And more than Chicago, this approach is exactly what our communities need - let's invest our time, energy, and available resources in those that are willing to do good. That are smart fighters hoping for a break so they can go and be the next Nobel Prize winner, curer of cancer, author of the next great novel. We should embrace these people, and nurture their talents and drive. That is what the Greenhouse Scholars is trying to achieve.
Through my fundraising, the money will go directly to helping those that participate in Greenhouse Scholars and that is something that makes me feel extra good.
Let's take the lead.
For more information about our event, please email teresa@venusdemiles.com